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Sunday, October 30, 2011

If You Are Not Using an Auto Responder ....

Gwenlynn Trullinger

If You Are Not Using an Auto Responder -
You Are Losing Contacts and... Cash!

It doesn't matter if you have a traditional brick and mortar business or a virtual internet driven business, building consumer interest and expectation are the first steps to profitably marketing any product online. By using Email Marketing Auto Responders you will find the best prospects; Automate your lead generation, follow up, and presentations. Generate more leads and close more sales.

For example, if you were developing an ebook, you may want to start informing your website visitors and list members about it. Use your autoresponder to start building interest and tell them about your product or service. And, let them know when the product will be available. Build curiosity by teasing them about your product or service. Make use of your autoresponder to let them preview the product!

Use the FundYourSuccess.com autoresponders to send an automatic welcome email to new subscribers. Or how about a happy birthday or anniversary email? You could even send an email when someone buys a particular product, thanking them for the purchase and showing them how to use it.

The possibilities and uses are unlimited.

More than just an automated response and follow-up system, the FundYourSuccess.com Autoresponders can be set up as a full fledged, automated email marketing system. Now businesses, clubs, organizations, entrepreneurs, and home based business professionals can easily stay connected to their customers, prospects, and members from any computer anywhere in the world using the FundYourSuccess.com Email Marketing Autoresponders.

  • Business Opportunity Leads Included With every Account.
    1000 Non Co-Registered leads included with every account. 1000 leads are automatically imported each month into your FYS autoresponder. In addition to the autoresponder messages being sent every three to five days you can also send email blasts, call, mail postcards, and add to social networks like Facebook. The leads are yours for life to do whatever you want with.

  • Manage Unlimited Lists.
    Whether you manage one list or 5000 lists, your account gives you access to as many autoresponders as you need to manage all of your email marketing campaigns for just $29.95 per month.

  • Timed Delivery of Messages.
    Your messages can be delivered either as a sequence of timed messages in an autoresponder or a one-time broadcast of a newsletter. Your subscribers also have the choice of how they would like to receive your messages, whether it be Plain Text, HTML or RSS feed.

  • Unlimited Subscribers In Each List.
    Each of your autoresponders can handle an unlimited number of subscribers. Start small and build your email marketing lists as you go. Your FundYourSuccess.com autoresponder will grow with you.

  • Unlimited Campaigns
    Contact your opt-ins an unlimited amount of times. Create an unlimited number of campaigns. Move your contacts from one campaign to the next. For example, if a lead clicks on the link in your email (our system tracks that for you) then you can move that lead to another campaign that says, "you visited my web site". Once a contact requests more information from your web site you can then move them to another campaign that has information about your companies products.

  • Complete Control Over Your Leads.
    Track EVERY Lead... From Campaign to Campaign. Blast all Opt Ins upcoming Conference Calls, Seminars, or even just any Special you want to provide for them. All leads are exclusively YOURS, for life. Export leads at any time.

  • Collect As Much Data As You Want.
    From basic name and email information to specific demographic responses, each autoresponder can be customized to collect the information you want to target your subscribers as wide or narrow as your email marketing needs dictate. Messages can be personalized with over 80 different variables.

  • Schedule Broadcasts With a Mouse-Click.
    Set up your autoresponder to send a special offer or letter to a single subscriber, a group of subscribers or your entire database with a single click. Send your broadcast instantly or schedule it to go out at a later date. Great for reminders and seasonal offers!

  • 100% Delivery.
    With the FundYourSuccess.com autoresponder you can guarantee 100% deliverability of your important messages by using the RSS delivery system.

  • Track Your Open Rates.
    See exactly how your email marketing messages are performing. Track Open Rates to see exactly how many of your messages are actually being opened by your subscribers.

  • Track Your Click-Throughs.
    Using our powerful ad tracking technology, you can track the effectiveness of each letter in your Email Marketing campaigns. In addition, this same technology can track any online advertising. You can know which ads are producing subscribers and even more important... which letters are converting those subscribers to customers.

  • Easily Create Opt-In Forms For Your Web Site.
    Easily integrate autoresponder subscription forms into your own web site by copying form code from your back office. Subscription forms can be customized to look and feel like a seamless part of your web site. This is a great way to boost your Email Marketing lists.

  • Send HTML or Text or RSS Messages.
    Your FundYourSuccess.com autoresponder account includes full access to our powerful HTML WYSIWYG Editor. Even if you can't spell "HTML", you can be creating powerful professional looking follow-up messages in no time. As easy to use as your word processor! Create great looking emails with the built-in HTML editor. Upload images quickly and easily - No more messing about with complicated web design or File Transfer software.

  • No Complicated Programs to Download or Install.
    Opening your account takes less than 5 minutes. There are no downloads and no complicated installation processes. Simply complete our online signup form, create your messages, and either add forms to your own web site or start using our pre-designed capture pages to gather subscribers.

  • Unlimited Free Customer Support.
    Our online support team is always available to help you with questions about your new autoresponder. We also have a discussion forum where other users share ideas, tips, and strategies. You can also watch free online videos to see exactly how to set up your autoresponders. Free online help is never more than a mouse click away.