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Friday, March 26, 2010

MakeUseOf – This Week’s Most Popular Tips & Articles

It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information - Oscar Wilde

He may have been talking about our digital age. In the flood that greets us from all media, the fun quotient seems to have slipped away. That's why we try to go that extra yard to make technology and computers more entertaining for you.

If you miss the laughs, visit our Geeky Fun pages.

If you like races, the race for a free copy of AnyBizSoft PDF to PowerPoint Converter is still on. Or the really useful - Widestep Security's Elite Keylogger 4.6 PRO. The finishing line of our Giveaways is just hours away.

The Giveaway sections also tells you how you can participate and win free copies of software as we keep throwing Giveaways each week.

The PaintingWalls iPhone app Giveaway closed on 21st March. We also announced the winners of the All Business Cards Giveaway. Are you one of the fifteen who won themselves a stack of 1000 free business cards!

While you are checking out the above pages, why not visit the MakeUseOf Polls and cast your vote for this week's poll on - How Did Twitter Affect Your Life?

Last week we had asked you - What is The Best Laptop Brand? The results are out. Apple came in second, with Dell following close behind.

If you have been following our regular Movers and Shakers section, you will know that we list the Top Ten most downloaded apps from a particular category. This week it's a selection of the Top 10 Most Downloaded Security Apps.  Quite a few useful ones in that list and you can get them from CNET.

Now, let's move on to the posts. Let's check out what has been happening the past week at MakeUseOf.com.

The 5 Best Posts From Last Week

Farmville is one of the most, if not the most popular application on Facebook. The game reportedly has over 82 million active users. There's a high chance that someone you know is already on it.

If you plan to jump in, arm yourself with these seven tips and tricks that will give you a leg up if you want to go up the rankings.

Read: Full Article

There are oodles and oodles of free GPS apps floating around in the iTunes mega-store.  Which ones are great?  Which ones are crap? These nine apps do a lot to prove that free is not necessarily fickle.

In the end you might feel that these apps are so powerful that you would have gladly given the iPhone paid apps a miss.

Read: Full Article

When you think of customizing your computer, changing and tweaking the icons that originally came with it, are on top of the task list. Where do you go for a spot of icon hunting?

Thankfully, there are a huge number of resources. Here are 8 of the best free icons search engines to take the search further.

Read: Full Article

DVDs are very handy when it comes to storing all sorts of info-tainment. The thing with DVDs, as with all kind of optical media, is that they are prone to damage. Also, DVD players need the DVD to be in a specific format.

These are strong arguments for transferring your more important content to the computer. This easy tutorial shows you just how.

Read: Full Article

The name you choose to associate yourself with on the Web should be unique and maybe say a thing or two about who you are, wouldn't you say so? Here are four useful online name generators that do all the thinking for you.

In the end, they spout out swinging names that can be yours for keeps in the online world.


The 5 Others That Deserve a Click

You might find these five posts useful too - 

That's it for this week! Pay us a visit and let us know if we are doing a good job. Your comments stir us to do better.

In fact, you can join us and nearly 15,000 (and counting!) more MUO readers on Facebook.

We are finding it to be a great place to thrash out new ideas and most importantly for exclusive software giveaways that are not published on the blog. Giveaways run almost daily.

Hope to see your name in the winners' roll call...


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